Wednesday 17 February 2010

Silent Tears

I wrote this piece while I was going through Jamie's relapse. I guess really it's self explanatory.
Thankfully those days are behind us & we have a future to look forward to together.

Silent Tears

Another day dawns,
I wake from my slumber,
Wondering what today will bring.
He stirs next to me
And I know it won't be long
Before he leaves.
I silently cry.
I feel I no longer
Satisfy his needs,
No longer
Good enough for him.
He awakes & drinks the coffee
I made for him earlier.
He lies there
With his eyes closed.
I want to talk to him
But scared of his reaction.
An hour passes
And he stirs again,
Slowly opening his eyes.
I know it won't be long
Before he leaves.
I don't know
Where I went wrong.
I remember the days
Where he didn't want me
Out of his sight.
Where he would
Kiss me passionately.
All that's changed now.
He's anxious to go,
Just stays awhile
Out of politeness.
The time has come.
He quickly dresses,
Kisses me & he's gone,
Never knowing
When he'll return.
I feel lost & alone.
But I know deep down
I am the cause of it.
If only I could be
How I was at the start.
I feel I was living a lie,
Giving him false hope.
I no longer want
To live like this.
I reach into his top drawer,
Taking his tablets from it.
I swallow as many as I can.
Slowly I feel the affects
And there's no turning back.
I hastily scribble
On a piece of paper
"I'm sorry!"
The day disappears into darkness
And I will never see
The light of it again.
Lexi Hylton 2008.


  1. dear gods I remember this. I'm so sorry love, and yet I'm so glad this phase of life is over for you both xxx

  2. ~smiles~

    If there is anything I can relate too, unfortunately it's the whole heroin experience.

    The poetry was beautiful, I'm so glad to read it, and to know that you're both already through it.

    Thank you for sharing Lexi, i feel honoured to read your space.

  3. Thank you Katy & I'm sorry you too have had similiar experiences & I glad you enjoyed my poetry. Also thank you for taking the time to read. It means a lot to me.
