Saturday, 20 February 2010

Wants & Needs

I wrote this piece many years ago when I was in hospital on yet another admission. Although back then it always work, I started using writing as an outlet. Hoping it would help stop the suicide attempts & the self harming. Obviously it didn't always work but it kind of gave me another focus.
I hope you enjoy reading, as I enjoy sharing.

I want to feel loved, wanted & special. I want to be held, kissed & touched as though I'm the only thing that's keeping the other person alive.
I want to be held at night when my nightmares start by someone who I know loves me for me, & not for their own sexual satisfaction.
Someone to wipe the tears away when life becomes unbearable & I just can't can't go on.
Someone to talk to & understand, to hold my hand or put their arms around me, to believe in me.
I want people to accept me for what I am & not judge me. To realise I am a person too.
I have feelings & a lot of people seem to forget that. I feel I'm an emotional punchbag.
So many people are happy to tell me their problems, but don't always have time for me.
And those who genuinely care I seem to push away, & not want to believe the good things they are saying about me.
I suppose I can't expect people to like or love me when I have so much hatred for myself.
A lot of people ask why I harm myself. There are several reasons; one is to get the badness out of me. Another is the need to feel pain so I know I am still in existence.
Pain/hurt is the only thing I've ever really known.
Although I want to be loved I have to feel pain to be able to feel good.
I know the say love hurts, but should it hurt like this?
I feel so trapped. I'm not who I want to be, but have to be.
I want these feelings of emptiness to go.
I need to feel fulfilled. I feel I've been stripped of everything & I'm not sure I'll ever regain what's been lost.
Please let me be me & let me be happy.
I need to see the sun rise in the morning & feel it's warmth upon my skin.
To feel the breeze gently blowing round me.
The rain to fall on my face & hide the tears that I so often shed.
I want to be able to give someone else the same as I want for myself.
I want to love & be loved.
Most of all I want to be free.
Free of the nightmares, the guilt, the shame, but most of all... me.
Lexi Hylton 1998


  1. I always loved this one... you as much as anyone else does deserve to see that sunshine xxx
